Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Title E-books or print books: which do you prefer?

The purpose of this paper Is to present the some basic aspects of e-book and print book. The methodology of this paper Is using the bibliography and the statistics attempts to give some specific analysis about e-book and print book as a whole. The study found a much higher use of e-book over print book, and the trend of personal preference is not only restricted to the group of students but the whole younger generation. The result of this paper offers the individuals a new idea to insider for eBooks purchase.Keywords User preference, Surveys, E-Books, Print books Paper In the contemporary society, it is generally believed that books play an indispensable role in the development of human society. Apart from the print books, there is another kind of books—electronic books, which poses a challenge to the position of paper quality books. However, there is no unanimous consensus on whether the print books should be substituted for the digital books yet. On the one hand, some people think the golden age of print books In gone, and we should pay ore attention to the modern technological products.On the another hand, the view that print books will not be supplanted by electronic books was held by some individuals. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter's side. Some people have a tendency to choose the print books rather than the eBooks. Here are a few possible reasons for that. For one thing, the tangibility, which gave by the print books, cannot be showed in any aspects of eBooks. Therefore, people usually purchased print books instead of eBooks because they can get a tangible item for their memory y buying a paper printed book.For another thing, print books offer a sense of accomplishment to people. Specifically, consumers believe that they will feel more accomplished when the mass of the book moves from the right side to the left and they know they are almost done. Furthermore, print books afford the people opportunities to use them for other p urposes. In fact, It Is Impossible that one person could use a stack of eBooks to maintain his couch If the leg fell off. In all, some people lust choose the print books as their prefer because that Is what reading Is about to hem.Reading is something like going to a bookstore and browsing through hundreds, maybe thousands, of books to find the right one. Admittedly, the profitable problem is the crucial factor which the E-book producer should mainly concern about. A questionnaire survey was distributed among 27 students at a library and information science school in the USA to find out what users and potential users think about e-books in this transition period, when the US economy has experienced downtime, and the e-book world cannot see profitability In Its business as predicted.Among the 27 survey participants, a third of them has used e-books in the past, mostly reading computer-based e-books without special readers. â€Å"Available around the clock † and â€Å"searchab le † are both chosen and ranked as the most Important reasons. Those who have never used e-books mainly think that eBooks are â€Å"hard to read and browse † or â€Å"need special equipment However. About half of the non- would agree that e-book have its peculiar advantages as a whole. Firstly, one of the most significant aspects is portability. The reason for that is e-book has a smaller illume and less weight than the majority of the printed book.In fact, the worst thing of reading might be that you finishing a book and not having another book to carry on reading due to the lack of your bag's volume. Secondly, another advantage of e-book is a host of books can be made available for your electronic books without worrying about the number of your saved books. Thus, people can bring a digital device with hundreds or even thousands of books stored in your digital books. In conclusion, eBooks are available for purchase and reading at any time and any place with battery re mitting.These aspects of s-book indicate that the individuals tend to purchase e- books when the print and electronic version all are available for them. What's more, the Association of American Publishers reported that the annual growth rate for e- book sales fell abruptly during 2012, to about 34%. (2) That's still a healthy clip, but it is a sharp decline from the triple-digit growth rates of the preceding four years. Another survey conducted by Neurosurgeons. Org suggests that Of the respondents who took the survey, 25. 2 percent indicated that they would â€Å"very likely † arches an reader in the next six months; 36. Percent said that they â€Å"may † purchase an reader; while almost 40 percent indicated that they were â€Å"very unlikely. (3) Of the 7,880 titles that were available in print and e-book, 58 e-book titles were accessed and 2,799 print titles were circulated during the study period. In print and e-book format, 1,688 titles were used. In e-book form at, but not in print, 1,484 titles were used. In print, but not e-book format, 1,125 titles were used. In either format, 3,597 titles were unused. (4) The above three surveys show a trend of the increasing rate of e-book purchase. Personally, I consider the position of paper books is irreplaceable.Not only because it contains a vast number of historic values, but it represents the civilization evolution of human society. From the view of human civilization, print books play a pivotal role in human society. Books have been books have been the cornerstone of our society for centuries, especially after the invention of the printing press – perhaps the most important invention in human history. Len other words, the development of electronic books is advancing at a staggering tempo, ay turn out to be Just another format-an even lighter-weight, more disposable paperback.That would fit with the discovery that once people start buying digital books, they don't necessarily stop purcha sing printed ones. In fact, according to Pew, nearly 90% of e-book readers still read physical volumes. The two forms seem to serve different purposes. However, the transformation from print books to E-books is inevitably popular. Dominique Reach, Publisher and CEO of Successors, said that â€Å"the digital transformation is bringing with it an onslaught of content. In fact, more intent was published last year than ever before.Booker (the ISBN agency) reported that 2009 self-publishing or what they call the non-traditional book publishers drove total book production over 1,000,000 units for the first time-that's over a million books produced last year. Think about that as a reader, an author or a publisher. † (5) In sum, paper books have its unparalleled superiority and so eBooks does. No one knows what the future book market will be. Time will tell whether eBooks are a viable alternative. At the moment, the whole thing is still in its infancy, and a decent

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